8 Reasons Why I Love To Travel

Introduction: What makes travel my favourite thing in the world?
Some people can’t imagine a life without travel and I am one of those people. Travelling is my favourite thing to do. The feeling I get while exploring places, discovering cultures, and connecting with others is incomparable to any other feeling I had. Our world is a big place that there is always so much to see and do. And when I am sitting on the plane about to take off, I feel like I’m closing a chapter on my old life and beginning a new one. I’m liberated from the restraints of my past and my knowledge. This sense of liberation and curiosity propels me to explore more countries and cultures. I am writing this article to share with you what motivates me to pack my bags and head to a new destination.
There are so many reasons why people travel. Some travel to escape the daily grind, some want to try new food, and some just want to see the world. Whatever their reasoning for travelling is, they all would agree that it is one of the most fulfilling things you can do in life. And in this blog I am going to share with you what motivates me to pack my bags and head to a new destination. What are my reasons to travel?
Reason 1: Travelling is fun and adventurous
When was the last time you have done something new? This is a question that I believe every person should be asking themselves. And if it is important for you or not. If it is and even if we are not confident enough, we should still try new things. There might be something out there that will make us happy and more fulfilled in life. And for me it is travel.
When I am travelling, everything is new. I meet new people, eat new food, see new places and there is always that unknown which makes travelling more fun and adventurous. During the courses of my travels, I have had the privilege to try adventure sports such as hiking, skiing, mountaineering, scuba diving, sky diving, and more! As a person who loves to travel, I can say that it is a great experience and I do not regret any of the adventures that I have had. Travelling is really fun and exciting, especially when it is adventurous!
Reason 2: Travelling has allowed me to explore new cultures
The experience I’ve had in the last few years has been insane. I’ve been able to experience new cultures first-hand. I have learned about their traditions, how they live, and what they find important. Every time I go on a trip, I am reminded of the vast array of cultures and how they differ from my own. But at the same time, I saw similarities between them.
One of my favourite memories from travelling is from a trip to Jordan, where I was able to see how deeply intertwined religion and culture are. Another experience in a village near Berlin showed me how people are building more sustainable communities. Not just these, but the experiences I had in The Maldives, Italy, Georgia and many other countries confirmed that the best way to experience a culture is to live in it, or at least visit for an extended period of time.
Reason 3: Travelling has broadened my worldview
The idea of travelling can be exciting and daunting at the same time. And why shouldn’t it be? It is a great experience, not only because it is fun or adventurous, but also because you gain an entirely different perspective on life. Every time I go on a trip, I discover new things about myself. And the longer I travel, the more open-minded I become.
When I started university, I had this view that becoming an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer was the only way to be successful in life. But my first ever trip to Thailand in 2016, introduced me to a world of opportunities that I never thought existed before. It made me look at success from a ‘being happy’ point of view. So ever since then, the only question I ask myself is — ‘Are you content with what you are doing?’
Reason 4: Travelling has given me a better sense of direction
I have found that my love for travelling has given me a better sense of direction both literally and figuratively. I was fortunate to travel to places where I have seen first-hand the impact of my presence. And it is not just about sharing my culture and meeting new people, but it is also about being able to share my experiences and skills with someone who needs it.
My initial travels to Thailand and Taiwan on cross-cultural exchanges where I was working on achieving SDGs led me to realize that I could make an impact in other parts of the world too. So, after completing my graduation from India, I decided to travel abroad and use my skills for good causes overseas. The most rewarding part of this journey is that it has taught me that there are no limitations in life and all we need is the courage to pursue our dreams.
Reason 5: Travelling has made me appreciate different facets of life
We are all endowed with the same number of hours in a day. But, how we spend it can make all the difference. I started to realize this when I began travelling and enjoying different facets of life.
During Covid-19 Pandemic, I had to return back to India and I did. But with a new perspective on my life and what was important to me. For me, that means living in the moment, appreciating every facet of my life, and balancing work with travel.
I believe that when people are able to find balance in their lives they become more content and excited about what is ahead for them — even if it’s just for one day at a time!
Reason 6: Travelling has opened up a whole new way of learning
Travelling is the best way to learn. It teaches you about different cultures, food, people, and customs. It also lets you see how other people live their lives. You learn how to adapt in a different environment and that’s a skill that I believe is going to last in me.
The world can be a scary place that is full of difficulties and disadvantages, but travelling helped me realize that there are ways to live well no matter where I am. Travelling also taught me how rewarding it feels when I do something for someone else but put my needs first as well! Overall, I believe with all my heart that I return home with more knowledge than I would have obtained had I not left.
Reason 7: Travelling has opened up doors for career opportunities
Travelling allowed me to explore the world and be exposed to different cultures. It helped me meet people from all around the world, experience different cultures, understand diverse perspectives and learn about other ways of living life. All these experiences helped me become better at communicating with others, leading people in different situations and making decisions on the go.
And these skills that I developed while travelling has been helpful in my career in several ways: I have had more job offers than before because employers see my travel interest as a positive thing; I have learnt how to manage my time more efficiently; but most importantly, travelling has helped me to become more confident, self-aware, and eager to learn new things. So it is with experience that I can say, travelling opens up doors for career opportunities and helps develop important skills.
Reason 8: Travelling has made me fall in love with the world
The world is an exciting place. It is filled with so many amazing places, cultures, and languages to explore. Every person I’ve met and food I’ve tasted and every landscape I’ve seen has contributed to making me crave more and see the world as a place of wonder instead of anything else. What I also realised is that a new place always brings out a side of me that I have never seen before or had the opportunity to explore.
The question I keep asking myself is whether ‘if the beauty of the world has made me fall in love with travelling’ or ‘if my passion for travelling made me appreciate the beauty of the world and me fall in love with it. It is a mix of both I guess.
Conclusion: Why You Should Start Living Your Adventures And Confidently Embrace Your Wanderlust Instincts
I would like to conclude with the thought that travelling makes life better. It made my life better. We all have that little voice in the back of our heads that keeps telling us to do something different with our lives. It’s our Wanderlust instinct. I have that voice too which keeps saying, ‘It is time to abandon the fear of the unknown and the comfort of home. It is time to start living your adventures, to take chance, live in the moment, and embrace your wanderlust instincts.’ So if your adventure-seeking soul is ever so restless, I would urge you to ignore all of them and jump into the adventure. With a little planning and courage, you can explore the world fearlessly. And don’t forget, Wanderlust is not an escape from reality; it’s an invitation to explore your fullest potential.
Read more articles written by Veda on his personal website